At such extremes, IXT produces no significant image improvement anyway. The only time I don't use it is in cases of extreme ISO with significant shadow recovery applied, as the IXT DNGs can tend to skew purple. With optimal settings, I find X-Transformer to always make a significant improvement over Adobe's demosaicing. I've always just converted the "keepers" after some initial pre-processing and cropping, it only adds a couple of mouse clicks to the workflow and you don't wind up with lots of unnecessary large DNG files. I think that's what most people are doing when they convert from within Lightroom. X-Transformer uses XMP sidecars to propagate all changes from the original to the new DNG file. If you, like me, do not use sidecars all the time, you can generate XMP sidecars on demand (Save Metadata to File). I can make various adjustments in LR, and if I am still not happy with the result, only then can I run X-Transformer and still preserve all changes done so far. After reading Rico Pfirstinger's book and articles on Fuji Love, I realized that I could postpone invoking X-Transformer until deciding that I need it.

IMO, many X-Trans images can be demosaiced with LR alone and do not need X-Transformer.